Outside the Screen Podcast
Outside the Screen Podcast
Ep 51: Your (child's) brain on internet use

Ep 51: Your (child's) brain on internet use

Plus Blinky Bill The Movie, and new food ads regulations in the UK

This week’s episode comes to you a little late, for reasons explained in the podcast. I hope nobody was inconvenienced.

Paper Round is a big bundle of info from a big paper where a big group of researchers brought together recent evidence about the impact of internet use on our brains. There emerge some interesting and useful ideas about how to maximise the good impacts and minimise the bad.

Glenn reviews one of your cuter koala movies, and then I find myself back on the very firm (for me) ground of food ads regulation. That is, I take you through some changes that are coming in the UK, and that could be a model for other countries.

Along the way, I put out a heartfelt call for listeners to support Children and Media Australia, the organisation without which this podcast wouldn’t be possible. You can do that by becoming a paid subscriber here - as all proceeds go to CMA - or there are a couple of tax-deductible options too. If cash is a little tight, you can help by spreading the word about the great work we do. Thanks in advance!

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Show notes

B-I-I-I-G paper: Joseph Firth et al, ‘From “online brains” to “online lives”: understanding the individualized impacts of Internet use across psychological, cognitive and social dimensions’ (2024) 23(2) World Psychiatry 176-190 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/wps.21188

Blinky Bill The Movie review: https://childrenandmedia.org.au/movie-reviews/movies/blinky-bill-the-movie

Blinky Bill The Movie availability in Australia: https://www.flicks.com.au/movie/blinky-bill-the-movie/

Zooming Out details: OfCom statement https://www.ofcom.org.uk/tv-radio-and-on-demand/advertising/regulation-of-less-healthy-food-and-drink-advertising;
Draft regulations https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/6391db7ed3bf7f1bc7d3962a/draft-advertising-less-healthy-food-definitions-and-exemptions-regulations-2022.pdf;
Statement from Labour government https://questions-statements.parliament.uk/written-statements/detail/2024-09-12/hcws93

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Children and Media Australia (CMA)

You can find the Children and Media Australia Know Before You Go service via this link.

Then, depending what you’re looking for, you can sort the list or search by title alphabetically, by age suitability, by classification or by date added. All of the reviews are prepared by people with training in child development, and they cover every G and PG title released in Australian cinemas since 2002, as well as selected M-rated movies and some pre-2002 ones that are available on streaming services.

Or at this link, you can access Know Before You Load – reviews of game style apps and apps that may appeal to young children. These cover some extra things that are relevant to games, like data collection and gambling-like content.

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