Outside the Screen Podcast
Outside the Screen Podcast
Ep 37: Schools, social media, wellbeing ... and rock n roll

Ep 37: Schools, social media, wellbeing ... and rock n roll

The second instalment in our series on screens and schooling, and we’re on a roll. Paper Round this week looks at different ways schools use social media to engage parents; and Kim interviews a South Australian school wellbeing leader about the impact at the coalface of home and school screen use.

Plus, in between times, we get a review of a movie about schooling - well sort of. Do you have any other favourite school movies, apart from School of Rock?

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As the gathering of content for the series has taken a bit longer than we expected, there will be a 2-week gap before the final instalment. But do tune in and see what else we might be able to serve up in the meantime - or listen back on whatever you might have missed. (Or if you’ve listened to all 37 episodes already, we want to hear about it!)

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Show notes

Deakin paper: Gillian Baxter and Dianne Toe, '"Parents don’t need to come to school to be engaged:" teachers use of social media for family engagement' (2023) 31(2) Educational Action Research 306-328 https://doi.org/10.1080/09650792.2021.1930087

School of Rock review: https://childrenandmedia.org.au/movie-reviews/movies/school-of-rock

School of Rock availability in Australia: https://www.flicks.com.au/movie/school-of-rock/

Zooming Out details: South Australian Wellbeing Leaders in Schools Association Inc

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